Yes, it has been a long time since I posted. I have been knitting, but I haven't been knit-blogging. I'll catch up. I think I'll start with the biggest project I've been working on and have just finished.
A young couple at our church was expecting a baby, and I decided to knit a blanket. We knew she was a she, so pink came to mind, but I worried I would get bored too soon to finish it. The mother and I share the Emmaus experience in common, and a rainbow seemed a great way to portray that connection and to remind the family of God's promises. The day after I decided to knit in rainbow colors, I found the Picket baby blanket pattern on Knitpicks. It seemed perfect.

Each stripe is knit separately and then sewn together. The knitting went rather fast -- it makes a great portable project, since it is knit in stripes. I discovered, though, that I hate HATE seaming. It is not portable, and I am not good at it.
Last weekend, I made myself spend several hours finishing it so that I could give it to the family before the (now born) baby girl went to college.
Pattern: Pickets baby blanket from Knitpicks. Knitpicks no longer carries all of the yarn called for in the pattern. I substituted bark for merlot heather, peapod for lemongrass heather, and bought the suggested moss to substitute for pampas heather. The pattern calls for 11 stripes. I ended up with 10 because I just do not like the moss at all.
Needles: US size 5, circular needles from Knitpicks. My row gauge was very much off, but I think this is a pattern problem. I do knit loosely, but each stripe calls for 248 rows to create a stripe (without the points) that is 34 inches long from point to point or about 30 inches not counting the points. That would be a row gauge of 33 rows = 4 inches. That pattern calls for a row gauge of 18 rows = 4 inches. It could be that there are 18 garter stitch ridges per 4 inches. That math comes out about right. I decided I would just knit the 248 rows, which came out at about the right length. It is a blanket, after all.
Yarn: 10 colors of Knitpicks Swish DK including seven heathers: amethyst, marble, garnet, persimmon, grain, tidepool, forest and delft plus two non-heathers -- bark and peapod. One skein of each was plenty.
CJ's baby blanket on a spring day in the park. |