Monthly Plan |
I've talked about bullet journaling on this blog, but I thought I would take a moment to talk about how I plan for work. It's very different than my life planning.
First, our staff gathers each year for a planning retreat. We set goals, review strategic planning, and set dates for the next year. This provides much of the basis of my planning for the year. That said, items come up during the year that are added to the plan. Plus, there are things you just can't plan for that have to be incorporated.
Each month, I take all of those components and combine them into a plan for the month. What has to be done this month? What would it be helpful to complete this month? This is divided into topics - each one centered around a different strategy.
From that, I create my weekly plan. I do this planning on Monday morning. I consider what events I have on the calendar for the week and what "to do" items should (or can) be done each day.
Weekly Plan |
I use that to plan each day in my Franklin Planner. I use the
Leadership two-page per day planner. On one side, I create a to do list. I prioritize the list with A (must be done), B (should be done), and C (could be done). I then number each A, each B, and each C. The right hand column of the left hand side of the two pages I use to list meetings, etc. I also add tasks (and I do this at the beginning of the month for the whole month) that are done every month on a certain day (for example, on every Monday, I add a task to check our computer back-ups and make sure they are working.
I use the right hand side to right down notes from the day - phone calls, etc.
This is how I plan when everything is going as it should be. That's not only the case, but I do reach more goals when I follow this routine.
Franklin Planner 2 pages per day |