While we were there, we visited a yarn shop called KnitWit. I like to purchase "souvenir" yarn when we travel - yarn that I can knit into a finished object (usually a scarf) and when I look at it, I remember the trip. I bought three skeins of Lark yarn from Quince & Co. in the colorway Peaks Ferry (which is red). Since then, I have knit it into a scarf.
I love blue yarn, but I steered myself away from it on this trip, just to have something different. As I was checking out, the very nice clerk said that this would remind me of lobsters - very true! See, souvenir yarn.
And we did go to a Lobster Bake while we were there.

Needles - Size 7, I think - I bought them on site at the store
Pattern - Yarn Harlot's one row scarf pattern - one of my very favorites.
Portland and the surrounding area is beautiful. On the Saturday we were there, we rented a car and went Lighthouse hunting. We were able to find several:
- Bug Light
- Spring Point Ledge lighthouse
- Portland Head lighthouse (pictured)
- Rams Head Light
- Two lighthouses from Twin Light State Park
The image of Portland Head Lighthouse was taken with my Nikon CoolPix P330. I left the "big" camera at home, so all of my Maine pictures were taken with my CoolPix or my iPhone camera.
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