I finished a scarf tonight. The truth is, I should have finished it months ago - all that was left was the bind off. I'm not sure why I didn't do the last row ages ago. but there you go.
Steve and I purchased the yarn at a store called Cast On Yarn Studio in Vermillion, Ohio. We were taking a quick trip along Lake Erie in Ohio to look at lighthouses. We turned the corner in Vermillion, and there was the store. I hadn't even looked for one.
The yarn is from Cestari Sheep and Wool Company in Churchville, Virginia. It is from their Traditional Collection, 100% Wool, Forest Green and Navy Tweed. It is a worsted weight wool, but a little thicker than what I usually use as worsted weight. I bought three skeins - you can read about the stash addition here. I only used two of them for the scarf.

There are errors in the knitting. I did some of it in movies theaters (back when we weren't avoiding a virus and went to movies. I didn't always notice the errors and by the time I did, it was too late to fix them.
I'm sure with its squishy ribbing, and thick wool, it will be a very warm scarf next winter, made of my two favorite colors.