Cats and yarn

A week or two ago, I ate an a French Bakery and Diner called Amelie's.  It was across the street from my hotel in Charlotte.  There were a row of tables against a wall - the back seats for benches below lots of these needlepointed images.  They were padded and hung - and I assume they were  meant to be cushions for the people sitting on the benches to lean against.  

I was sitting in a chair facing this one.  She's a woman who is knitting - or winding yarn - I'm not sure which, but look at her expression. Doesn't she look like she wants to send the kitten into the next state - or at least room?

Kittens / cats and yarn.  It's why I don't knit very often near our cat.  They just can't resist playing with yarn.  And how fun that a needlepoint artist captured that feeling in a piece.