I am shocked and excited to say that today is the 20th anniversary of this blog. It all started on January 31, 2005 with this post:
I've always thought that this would be a strange thing to do -- an online journal -- blog sounds so -- well -- yucky. I've seen so many interesting blogs lately concerning knitting, so I thought that I would give it a try.I am a multi-tasking kind of individual. I am a mom -- I have two sons -- an eleven year old and an eight year old. I am a wife, a daughter... I am a research associate in endocrinology. I volunteer at my church as the chairman of our Nurture Committee.I also am creative -- that is, I like to create. My current hobby is knitting. On my needles right now are two scarves. Both are being knitted in farrow rib using Encore bulky yarn -- 75% acrylic and 25% wool. They are for my two sons. One is red and black; the other is forest green and black. I must finish them at the same time in order to please both sons. :)
You can tell from the post that the blog began as a Knitting Blog, and was in fact only about knitting. There were some "life" posts, but it was mainly knitting. In those 20 years, I've posted 359 times (including this post).
A few things have happened on the blog since then.
- I learned how to add images to posts. At the beginning, I was posting the images as separate posts.
- I was a part of a blog ring, but those have gone away.
- I changed the template to this kind of dreamy blue one with a sailboat you almost can't see.
- As my hobbies expanded, I changed the name to Sandpiper Creates (although the address has always been mom4gj.blogspot.com).
- The new template gave me the ability to add pages, so there is a page for each type of hobby and there is a library page that is linked from my other blog.
- I started a second blog for faith posts (sandpipersthoughts.blogspot.com).
- I am still a mom - but the sons are men now. I'm still a wife, but our marriage is older (and still wonderful). I work at a different place doing a completely different job; I've been there 16 years.
- There have been some years that I didn't post much, and two years (2007 and 2008) where there were no posts. I made a decision along the way that I wanted to keep the blog up and running. My goal now is two posts a month, which is manageable. Expect that same schedule this year.
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