Pushing it out of the Nest

Here is a photo of my Branching Out scarf unblocked. Wish me luck, as I am now going to take her upstairs and block her. I hope this works!

I've worked on my blog now for several months. It has been a learning experience -- trying to understand tags, incorporate pictures and buttons. I've really enjoyed it. Today I shoved the baby Sandpiper out of the nest. I applied to be a part of three knitting blog rings. We'll see if I get approval to join any of them.

I've also designed a new button; just for fun -- because I really like playing with the button designing web page. If you are looking for a site to use to design simple buttons, check out
GRSites Button Maker.


Hi Kim,

Wow, love your scarf! I'm working on one too, but it's in the back of the pile! Still trying to get a shawl finished.

Start a blog to teach new bloggers how to post tags, links, etc. I don't know it if it's me or the instructions, but I cannot figure it out! I have a very boring blog because of it.

Love the branching out and can't wait to see it blocked.
